Why are Chinese people unwilling to accept bagged tea?

Why are Chinese people unwilling to accept bagged tea?

Mainly due to traditional tea drinking culture and habits

As a major producer of tea, China’s tea sales have always been dominated by loose tea, with a very low proportion of bagged tea. Even with a significant increase in the market in recent years, the proportion has not exceeded 5%. Most people believe that bagged tea is equivalent to low-grade tea.

In fact, the main reason for the formation of this concept is still people’s inherent beliefs. In everyone’s perception, tea is original leaf tea, while bagged tea is mostly made from broken tea as raw material.

tea bag with string

In the eyes of Chinese people, broken tea is equivalent to scraps!

In recent years, although some domestic manufacturers have transformed tea bags and made Chinese style tea bags using raw leaf materials, Lipton has the highest international market share. In 2013, Lipton specifically launched triangular three-dimensional design tea bags that can hold raw leaves, but this is ultimately not the main trend in the Chinese tea brewing market.

The millennium old tea culture in China has deeply rooted the Chinese people’s understanding of tea.

glass teacup

For Chinese people, tea is more like a cultural symbol because “tasting tea” is more important than “drinking tea” here. Different types of tea have different ways of tasting, and their color, aroma, and aroma are essential. For example, green tea emphasizes appreciation, while Pu’er emphasizes soup. All of these things that Chinese people value happen to be what bagged tea cannot provide, and bagged tea is also a disposable consumable that cannot withstand multiple brewing. It is more like a simple beverage, so let alone the cultural heritage of tea.

Post time: Mar-25-2024